output format


The result of a call to recognize with multiple profiles (e.g. geoname, organizations, ...) returns a dictionary with keys being the respective entity names (GeoEntity, OrganizationEntity, PersonEntity).

Recognize supports three different output formats:

  • Standard, returns one annotated result per found instance. Also returns all respective bindings specified in the profile.
  • Annie, returns one annotated result per found instance. Returns all candidate groundings found in the GATE Annie format.
  • Compact, returns one annotated result per found entity. Multiple matches of the same entity are returned as a single annotation with the individual spans saved as entities. The compact format is optimized for the Weblyzard use case.

Notice: Only the Annie and the Compact formats support sentence level annotation.


dict: {
        u'GeoEntity': [
                        u'confidence': 0.0,
                        u'end': 0,
                        u'features': {
                                u'profile': u'en.geo.500000',
                                u'entities': [
                                                u'url': u'http://sws.geonames.org/5551752/',
                                                u'confidence': 0.0,
                                                u'preferredName': u'Arizona'}
                        u'grounded': False,
                        u'sentence': 0,
                        u'scoreName': u'GEO FOCUS x OCCURENCE',
                        u'entityType': u'GeoEntity',
                        u'start': 0,
                        u'score': 2.57,
                        u'profileName': u'en.geo.500000',
                        u'preferredName': u'Arizona'


        u'GeoEntity': [
                         u'confidence': 9.0,
                         u'entities': [
                                           u'end': 7,
                                           u'sentence': 15,
                                           u'start': 0,
                                           u'surfaceForm': u'Detroit'
                                           u'end': 10,
                                           u'sentence': 16,
                                           u'start': 3,
                                           u'surfaceForm': u'Detroit'
                         u'entityType': u'GeoEntity',
                         u'key': u'http://sws.geonames.org/4990729/',
                         u'preferredName': u'Detroit',
                         u'profileName': u'en.geo.500000',
                         u'properties': {
                                  u'adminLevel': u'http://www.geonames.org/ontology#P.PPLA2',
                                  u'latitude': u'42.33143',
                                  u'longitude': u'-83.04575',
                                  u'parent': u'http://sws.geonames.org/5014227/',
                                  u'parentCountry': u'http://sws.geonames.org/6252001/',
                                  u'population': u'713777'
                         u'score': 18.88
 u'OrganizationEntity': [
                                                  u'confidence': 1277.1080389750275,
                                                  u'entities': [{u'end': 101,
                                                                                 u'sentence': 12,
                                                                                 u'start': 87,
                                                                                 u'surfaceForm': u'Public Service'}],
                                                  u'entityType': u'OrganizationEntity',
                                                  u'key': u'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Public_Service_Enterprise_Group',
                                                  u'preferredName': u'Public Service Enterprise',
                                                  u'profileName': u'en.organization.ng',
                                                  u'properties': {},
                                                  u'score': 1277.11}]